Monday, March 17, 2008


10 Rounds

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Run on 2% grade

My first round max was 7 pull-ups, so I stuck with that for all of the rounds

A note on diet: I've been taking in about 150+ grams of protein every day in the form of shakes. I'm making these with ice, bananas, whey protein, low fat yogurt, skim milk, and peanut butter or cinnamon. I addition to the 2-3 of these that I consume I've been augmenting with the leanest meat that I can find from the kitchen, as well as fruit (green apples, grapes, bananas) and vegetables.

I'm drinking bottled water and have cut out sugars and starches as best as I can. That means no rice, bread, potatoes, desserts, cookies, etc... All of those things I used to eat on previous deployments.

I did take a step backwards today and ordered a pizza at the airport because I missed lunch. I tried to get the guy to hold the cheese but it was beyond his comprehension. I ended up eating only half of it and tossing the rest. Oddly, I was full after half.

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